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In conjunction with EMMA Consortium Members, our advisory is developing and offering a number of resources to support the use of the National DLE Teacher Preparation Standards to strengthen and expand pre-service and in-service programs.

Sharing Resources with the EMMA Community

If you have a publication or resource you'd like to share, please send to, with permission to post.

EMMAnars:  DL Teacher Preparation Pathways - May 2024
Hosted by the USDOE's Office of English Language Acquisition. Utilizing The National DL Teacher Preparation Standards to develop/improve educator prep programs (Part I) and; Disseminating info about evidence-based state/local programs that are building educator workforce capacity (Part II). 


New Resource - Cultivating and Expanding the Bilingual Educator Workforce in Rhode Island - March 2024

This white paper is a collaboration between Project EMMA and the Multistate Assocation for Bilingual Ed, New England.  It proposes how to cultivate and expand the bilingual educator workforce in Rhode Island, to serve a growing MLL student population and foster multilingualism. It presents the scope of the problem, outlines challenges, opportunities, and makes recommendations for improvement.

Contributors:  University of Rhode Island (Laura Hamman-Ortiz, Rabia Hos, James Cahan), the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Joan Lachance), MABE (Phyllis Hardy) and Rhode Island College (Erin Papa)

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New Resource - Navigating Tensions Between Translanguaging and Separation of Languages in Dual Language Programs - November 2023

  • Elizabeth R. Howard - University of Connecticut

  • Shera Simpson - Outside the Box Learning Laboratory

      Reprinted with permission from. Dual language tandem teaching: Coordinating instruction across languages through cross-linguistic pedagogies. Velázquez Press.

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Voices from the Field
Study:  Impact of the Implementation of the Science of Reading Instructions and Policy on Emergent Bilingual/English Learner Literacy Programs and Teachers 

  • Kathy Escamilla, PhD - UC-Boulder, Kim Strong, PhD - UC-Boulder, BUENO Center for Multicultural Education

Published by the National Committee for Effective Literacy, who uplifts research, policies, and practices to ensure that emergent bilinguals leave school as proficient readers and writers in English, and preferably more languages.   


Dual Language Bilingual Education Research Action Agenda - Jan 2025

  • Ester de Jong, Mariana Castro, Sue Hopewell, Elizabeth Howard, Michael Rodríguez, and David Rogers

DLeNM and a committee of researchers invited DLBE experts to a Researcher Convocation to collaboratively develop a research action agenda that uses a multilingual stance to identify and address current gaps in DLBE research.  This report synthesizes rich conversations held at La Cosecha 2023 & 2024. It has five sections and invites DLBE researchers and educators to engage in work that will solidify current research and move us to action.  Agenda & Researcher Database is housed at the University of Wisconsin's Multilingual Learner Research Center.  

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Sharing Our Stories*Testimonios 
EMMA Standards Transforming Teacher Preparation
How State Education Agencies are using the EMMA Standards

Phyllis Hardy
Multi-state Association for Bilingual Education, NE

Video Presentation

EMMA Standards are the foundation for MABE’s Professional Learning Offerings  - 2024

Dr. Joan Lachance
University of NC - Charlotte

Video Presentation

The EMMA Standards in North Carolina - 2024 


TBA - Story Share

How are the EMMA (NDLETPS Standards changing policy, practice and dul language teacher preparation .

TBA - Story Share

How are the EMMA (NDLETPS Standards changing policy, practice and dul language teacher preparation .

Please contact if you would allow us to share a testimony/testimonio on this website.  

For more info on becoming a reviewer, joining the EMMA advisory or learning more about NDLETPS - email:


Educators for a Multilingual Multicultural America (EMMA)
PO Box 91508
Albuquerque, NM 87199 

(704) 609-3138 

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