National Dual Language Education Teacher Preparation Standards©DLeNM 2018
Transforming Educators to Pursue Linguistic Freedom
The National Dual Language Education Teacher Preparation Standards-NDLETPS provides a sound framework of standards, anchored in relevant theory, to support PK-12 [16] dual language educator preparation programs. The NDLETPS are fully adopted by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
NDLETPS "EMMA" Standards Document ©DLeNM 2018​
EMMA Standards Overview - May, 2024

Educators for a Multilingual Multicultural America - EMMA™DLeNM 2023
Transforming Educators to Pursue Linguistic Freedom
EMMA-Educators for a Multilingual Multicultural America is responsible for the care, use and on-going development of NDLETPS. Under the auspices of the CAEP, EMMA aims to collaboratively guide institutions of higher education as they cultivate highly qualified dual language teachers nation-wide. A vital secondary goal is to assist SEAs, LEAs, professional organizations, and other educational entities to operationalize theoretically anchored professional development and guidance for in-service dual language teachers.
EMMA Consortium and Partners Stand Up for Our Multilingual Learners and Communities
A Call to Action
English Only Actions and Dismantling the Office of English Language Acquisition and the DOE
Educators for a Multilingual Multicultural America is outraged by the hypocrisy of the current administration. EO#13166 takes unnecessary action to Designate English as the US' Official Language, which alienates the multilingual multicultural citizenry of our country. The Oval Office then closes the Office of English Language Acquisition, the very federal office responsible for holding schools accountable for the teaching of English. What can you do to stop the hypocrisy?
Take action to reinstate the Office of English Language Acquisition and DOE
and sign-on to the following petitions and contact the oval office, governor your state and US representatives.
What's New - Information
Consortium Member Events
ATDLE - Annual TWI Conference, June 18-20, 2025
WIDA - Annual Conference, October 27-30, 2025
DLeNM - La Cosecha Conference, Nov 12-15, 2025

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